"Expand the Love" is a captivating love-themed visual novel created by two passionate young students using Unity, marking their first foray into game development. This unique experience integrates cutting-edge AI technologies, including three Generative AI models: Stable Diffusion, SRGAN, and chatGPT.

The game's narrative revolves around exploring and expanding self-love. To achieve this, the developers carefully selected the Stable Diffusion checkpoint weight from Counterfeit-V3, as it offers a softness that perfectly complements the plot. The implementation of multiple LORA and Textual Inversion techniques ensures precise customization of the characters' style, clothing, facial expressions, and poses.

SRGAN, a powerful pre-trained AI model specialising in ANIME style, is utilised to enhance the visual novel's assets by providing a stunning 4x resolution upgrade.

The integration of ChatGPT, a conversational AI model, serves multiple purposes in the game. It offers thinking prompts for Stable Diffusion, recommends wording choices, and generates innovative ideas for the AI-driven gameplay.

While the developers have ambitious plans to incorporate additional state-of-the-art AI tools, such as text classification using BERT and T5 for a love gauge, PersonaGPT for fluid chat experiences, and Coqui TTS for voice synthesis, the game's development time is limited due to their novice status in game development. Despite this constraint, they have managed to create a captivating experience within a remarkable two-day timeframe.

Embark on a heartfelt journey of self-discovery, where you'll navigate the complexities of love, engage with compelling characters, and witness the power of AI-driven storytelling. Are you ready to expand the love within yourself?

StatusIn development
Rated 3.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Authorssaksornh, 0skyslime0
GenreVisual Novel
TagsAnime, artificial-intelligence, LÖVE


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Amazing use of the AI tools. Stable Diffusion can make some awesome images, but getting it to do it consistently for a full linear story is hard to do. Well done, especially given the timeline!


I really like the art! It is very well done and impressive!


Thank you!